Saturday, March 5, 2011

Light Box Photography

I had made a light box in Athens, but when we left there, I got rid of the box I had there. One of the benefits of moving is that I had a new box to use for a new light box!

Here are a couple of photos taken in my new light box:

Camera Info:
Shutter Speed: 1/250s
Aperture: F14
ISO: 100
Lens: Tamron 17-50mm
Focal length: 50mm

Side lights, 1/4 power, 35mm zoom
Front light, 1/16 power, 35mm zoom

Below is the box setup with the lights:

What I did was take a cardboard box and but three sides out, leaving a bit of a frame. I then put a piece of vellum paper over those three sides and taped it on with black gaffer's tape. I also covered the inside of the box (the bottom of the box and the one remaining side, with gaffer's tape as well. Last of all I put a piece of white poster board inside to act as a seamless background and voila! Light box!

I had one light on each side, positioned to light from the top and the side. These lights had gobos attached on the side facing the camera to avoid any flare into the lens. A third light is coming from the front and side; it has a diffuser attached to it and is powered down well under what the other two lights are. The goal is for the front light to fill shadows on the subject, but not to create new ones in the back or sides.

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