Monday, July 30, 2012

Photo of the Week - Week 27

One of the additional features of living overseas - that is often either in the very fine print or not there at all - is occasionally having uninvited guests show up in the house. In some places these can be monkeys or large rodents, but here we get large spiders and the occasional scorpion. With the cats we now just find pieces of large spiders, but they tend to be a bit wary of the scorpions.

I was on the phone with someone when the girls came upstairs to inform me of our latest visitor. Christy put a plastic container over it while the girls came to get me - and to tell me to bring my camera.

30JUL12 uninvited-3

Shutter Speed: 1/100s
Aperture: F9.0
ISO: 100
Focal Length: 50mm
Lens: Tamron 17-55mm

I lit our friend here with an off-camera flash, 1/4 power with diffuser, from camera left. The flash is down on the ground about a foot or so away from the scorpion. It's triggered by my on-camera flash, which is powered way down, just enough to trigger the off-camera.

I cropped this in Lightroom and bumped the mid-tones contrast up (clarity).

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