Friday, July 13, 2012

Photo of the Week - Week 25

This image is one that I recently made of the LDS Temple in Redlands, California.

12JUL12 Redlands CA Temple-1

Shutter Speed: 1/20s
ISO: 100
Aperture: F22.0
Lens: Tamron 17-55mm
Focal Length: 50mm

This image has some post-processing that I did in Lightroom 4.1. First, I made straightened the image and (tried to) center everything. I was using my tripod, so I didn't have to lose too much as I did this.

Next, I added a graduated filter to darken the sky a bit. The lighting was mid-day, but overcast, which gave me a good, flat light over the building - no odd shadows or anything.

I then painted a mask over the sky - the flat grey sky was not very interesting. I then shifted the color of the sky to a nice evening blue.

Finally, I added a vignette to highlight the Temple and focus attention more into the center of the image.

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