Saturday, June 30, 2012

Photo of the Week - Week 21

My last post was about event shooting; this time around I wanted to highlight a few shots I took at that particular event and share a few of my thoughts.


I like to look for a few details that tell something of the event. Just a couple of things, though, because the event is about the people.

16JUN2012 Fiesta-2

Shutter Speed: 8s
Aperture: F4.0
ISO: 100
Lens: Canon 70-200mm L
Focal Length: 200mm

The Purpose - People

As with all photography, for me the question is always, "What is the story I am trying to tell here?"

16JUN2012 Fiesta-7

Shutter Speed: 1/20s
Aperture: F4.0
ISO: 1000
Lens: Canon 70-200mm L
Focal Length: 200mm

My favorite part of this image is the granddaughter below him trying to help with the candles.

16JUN2012 Fiesta-145

Shutter Speed: 1/50s
ISO: 5000
Lens: Tamron 17-55mm
Focal Length: 50mm

The brother playing the role of MC had this great smile - his whole face would smile every time he smiled!
16JUN2012 Fiesta-124

Shutter Speed: 1/50s
Aperture: F4.0
ISO: 1000
Lens: Canon 70-200mm L
Focal Length: 200mm

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