Saturday, May 12, 2012

Photo of the Week - Week 17

I've slowly been working through a couple batches of photos I was able to take in the past couple of weeks.

One of the things I enjoy doing is focusing on details of a particular site; so often the things that stick in my mind are the small details of a particular place. As I make a concerted effort to find details, it seems that I am able to see so much more and to see it from a different perspective. A recent visit to Hacienda San Augustine in Cotopaxi, Ecuador, yielded lots of great shots, but here is one in particular that I liked:

ECCO Hacienda San Agustine-7

Camera Info
Shutter Speed: 1/40s
Aperture: F8.0
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO: 100
Lens: Tamron 17-50mm

The image is cropped just slightly and I then desaturated most of the colors, all using Adobe Lightroom 4. I also selectively darkened the upper portion of the image to help focus the eye on the lower portion of the image where the flowers are.

As I was walking around the hacienda (an incredible location, by the way), I noticed this fountain and took a closer look, which is when I noticed the flowers in there. I tried a few different angles and lenses, but this particular image got it, for me.

I like the position of the flowers, for one, as well as the framing along the bottom and the left edge of the image. There is also a bit of balance between the flowers and the brighter portion of the image diagonal to them in the top left. The other detail I like is the splash to the left of one of the flowers; while this is largely a static scene, this motion captured (by luck, not skill, by any stretch of the imagination) adds some dynamism to the image.

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