Sunday, May 6, 2012

Photo of the Week - Week 16

This week's photo is a recent set of photos, actually, that I took of the Cotopaxi volcano.

I took approximately 12 individual images and merged them together into one larger image, for the below result:

(click through to see a larger version - on Flickr you can see the full-size version.)

ECCO Cotopaxi cloud pano-2

I went down to the area of Cotopaxi to check out a camping site for an upcoming youth trip. As we were driving down there, I could see that Cotopaxi was totally clear; I couldn't wait to get closer and make some great images. After a long rainy season, I was thrilled to finally have a clear view of Cotopaxi - and several other volcanoes, for that matter.

As we got down to the location where we were going to scout out for the camping trip, I noticed that Cotopaxi was beginning to cloud up (we left at 7am and it was about 8:30). I got a few pictures, but none that really got my attention. We continued on checking out the location and I noticed that the peak of Cotopaxi was beginning to clear. I got my camera ready and waited; as soon as it cleared, I began shooting a series of shots, with the goal of stitching them together for one image.

I took the shots with my Canon 70-200mm L lens, zoomed in to 200mm and used Photoshop CS6 beta to stitch the images. I then added a slight vignette with Adobe Lightroom 4.

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