Saturday, March 10, 2012

Photo of the Week - Week 9

So the theme for this week and next is "use the camera you've got." For different reasons I do not always carry my camera gear around with me, but my iPod Touch is much more portable. This post and the next will be on a couple of experiences using my iPod to take pictures.

While I won't be doing any portrait sessions or getting big prints from any of the images it is convenient and can help (partially) satisfy the photo itch.


This is a photo I would have liked to have had my "real" camera for. There is a great hacienda on the outskirts of Quito - Hacienda Rumiloma - which we have escaped to a couple of times. This was one of the times when you could actually see the mountains on the (very) far side of the other valley.


Both of these images would be difficult because of the high dynamic range - darker shadows, such as the arch and the fountain statue, and an evening sky that is relatively light. Despite the limitations in the sensor for exposure, there is no limitation on composition - just because I'm using my iPod doesn't mean I can't compose my images the way I would like.

Living some place means we can have the opportunity to revisit the same places at different times. I looked at this opportunity as a sort of test run - I could look for compositions I liked so that at some future point I can go back with my full kit to take a higher quality image.

When we lived in Greece, I got to know an artist who lived there in Athens. She got a cell phone with a pretty good quality camera (this is before the advent of the iPhone) so that she always had something with her to take a photo of an inspiring scene that she would later use to paint from. Kind of the same idea for me, but to return to the location to photograph it later.

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