Monday, May 2, 2011

Another 10 in 10

One of my goals has been to try and use all of my lenses more often and one way to do it is to try and take 10 photos within a 10 meter radius. In this case, I have been wanting to use my "nifty fifty" lens (Canon EF 50mm fixed focal length) a bit more. Since it is my fastest lens at F1.8, I figured I would open it all the way up and see what I could do with it.

At an f-stop of 1.8, the depth of field is very shallow - there is only a very shallow portion of the image that is in focus.

10in10 1MAY11 02

In the image above, the background becomes a colorful blend that is hard to distinguish what exactly it is. At the same time, the buds on this flower are fairly well in focus, but not all of them.

10in10 1MAY11 06

In this photo, you can get a better idea of the shallow depth of field - her head is turned slightly, but that throws the eye further from the focal point out of focus.

10in10 1MAY11 09

The above photo is of a painting, taken at a slight angle and not straight on. As a result, only a portion of the painting is in focus.

And now for the rest of the photos, all with the same F1.8:

10in10 1MAY11 05

10in10 1MAY11 01

10in10 1MAY11 08

10in10 1MAY11 03

10in10 1MAY11 10

10in10 1MAY11 07

10in10 1MAY11 04

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