Saturday, September 15, 2012

Photo of the Week - Week 33

I recently took the girls back to Cotopaxi National Park and got a chance to take a few pictures.

We got to hike around a bit and try to find some birds, which is a bit difficult for three small children who have been cooped up in a van for the past hour and a half ... a lot of contained energy there.

We finally did see a bird:

08SEP12 Cotopaxi bird

Shutter Speed: 1/50s
Aperture: F/9.0
Focal Length: 200mm
Lens: EF70-200mm f/4L USM

I kind of like the composition of this image, with the green sage in the bottom right kind of providing some balance to the bird and the other plants on the left of the image.

It's not a colorful image - nothing in your face, just mellow earth tones, kind of like the whole National Park there. I also like the level of detail with the depth of field - the brush in the background provide some texture, but it's not distracting.

The only thing I go back and forth on is if I should have cropped it a bit tighter, putting the bird closer to the top left corner. I left it like this because I wasn't too keen on having that much weight so high in the corner. The sage is in the corner, but at the bottom - I guess I feel that if something is in the corner at the top of the image, the image feels like it's going to tip over!

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