Sunday, April 1, 2012

Photo of the Week - Week 12

This week's topic - refining my workflow between Lightroom and Photoshop.

Since I've started using Lightroom and the new beta version of Photoshop CS6, I've been working on how to integrate them, which I've found to be quite easy.

Here's the final image:

25MAR12 Lydia 01

Camera Info
Shutter Speed: 1/15s
Aperture: F6.3
ISO: 100
Lens: Canon EF 50mm II
Focal Length: 50mm
Flash: Single flash, 1/4 power, through softbox

I begin by downloading my images from the memory card and onto my computer using Lightroom.

Once they are in Lightroom, I use that to do most of my polishing and edits - color balance, contrast, sharpening, add a slight vignette. A lot of the time I can get the image where I want it using just Lightroom.

The above image, however, had a hair going right down the middle of her face, which was rather distracting. With my image pretty much the way I wanted it, I simply right-clicked on it and opened it in Photoshop.

One of the tools I really like in Photoshop is content-aware healing. This is great because all I did was use a brush tool to highlight the hair and then, voila! It was gone.

With that done, I saved the image and the newly-edit version appeared in Lightroom. From there I exported it as a JPEG, with the above results.

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